1546 75th St. Downers Grove, IL 60516
(630) 708.7877

Dr. Erick relies upon Torque release technique (TRT) because it is the first ever chiropractic technique to be developed out of research first.
All other techniques were developed over time from experience. There is no guess work with TRT. Every part is scientifically proven. The analysis is derived from joining the best parts of the analysis systems of seven different techniques. (Palmer Upper Cervical, Thompson, DNFT, SOT, Logan Basic, Toftness, and Network.)
TRT has incorporated over 100 years of chiropractic into one technique. It was meant to act as an upgrade to chiropractic. Allowing us to make more accurate corrections within a shorter amount of time, with longer lasting effects. TRT also utilizes the Integrator, which is the 1st FDA approved instrument to adjust subluxations.
Another amazing thing about TRT is that it calls for only adjusting up to 3 primary misalignments per visit. This is because we do not want to over stimulate the body. In today’s society when everyone is busier than ever, you can get the most effective care efficiently and get back to your daily life and enjoy the family.